Understand spoken Dutch

Verbs (all parts) Examples Dutch lesson

To pole dance. The Dutch for "to pole dance" is "paaldansen".
To take a shower. The Dutch for "to take a shower" is "een douche nemen".
Living room. The Dutch for "living room" is "woonkamer".
To read. The Dutch for "to read" is "te lezen".
Maze. The Dutch for "maze" is "doolhof".
Measuring tape. The Dutch for "measuring tape" is "meetlint".
Spiral staircase. The Dutch for "spiral staircase" is "wenteltrap".
Jiujitsu is a Japanese martial art that allows you to control or see off an attacker in a few seconds.. The Dutch for "Jiujitsu is a Japanese martial art that allows you to control or see off an attacker in a few seconds." is "Jiujitsu is een Japanse zelfverdedigingskunst waarmee men in een paar seconden een aanvaller kan controleren of uitschakelen.".
To sign. The Dutch for "to sign" is "ondertekenen".
To look for a needle in a haystack. The Dutch for "to look for a needle in a haystack" is "een speld in de hooiberg zoeken".
To shave. The Dutch for "to shave" is "om te scheren".
Delivery vans. The Dutch for "delivery vans" is "bestelwagens".
House boat. The Dutch for "house boat" is "woonboot".
Hiking boots. The Dutch for "hiking boots" is "wandelschoenen".
To be well off. The Dutch for "to be well off" is "goed af zijn".
To make an effort. The Dutch for "to make an effort" is "een inspanningen doen".
Roller blading. The Dutch for "roller blading" is "rolschaatsen".
Rock-climbing. The Dutch for "rock-climbing" is "rotsklimmen".
To be in shape. The Dutch for "to be in shape" is "in vorm zijn".
To be in good health. The Dutch for "to be in good health" is "in goede gezondheid zijn".