Understand spoken Dutch

Animals Dutch lesson

Cattle. The Dutch for "cattle" is "vee".
Eel. The Dutch for "eel" is "paling".
Fodder; cattle feed. The Dutch for "fodder; cattle feed" is "veevoeder".
Jellyfish. The Dutch for "jellyfish" is "kwal".
Ray (fish). The Dutch for "ray (fish)" is "rog".
Sperm whale. The Dutch for "sperm whale" is "potvis".
Rays (fish). The Dutch for "rays (fish)" is "roggen".
Animal. The Dutch for "animal" is "dier".
Animals. The Dutch for "animals" is "dieren".
Bear. The Dutch for "bear" is "beer".
Dog. The Dutch for "dog" is "hond".
Dog. The Dutch for "dog" is "hond".
Dog. The Dutch for "dog" is "hond".
Bird. The Dutch for "bird" is "vogel".
Cat. The Dutch for "cat" is "kat".
Fish. The Dutch for "fish" is "vis".
Stag; deer. The Dutch for "stag; deer" is "hert".
Tortoise. The Dutch for "tortoise" is "schildpad".
Cat; pussycat. The Dutch for "cat; pussycat" is "poes".
Pet. The Dutch for "pet" is "huisdier".