Understand spoken French

Animals Examples French lesson

The fish. The French for "the fish" is "le poisson".
The chicken. The French for "the chicken" is "le poulet".
Roasted chicken. The French for "roasted chicken" is "poulet rôti".
A chicken. The French for "a chicken" is "un poulet".
A frog. The French for "a frog" is "une grenouille".
Guinea pig (pet). The French for "guinea pig (pet)" is "cochon d’Inde".
Pet. The French for "pet" is "animal familier".
A sheep. The French for "a sheep" is "un mouton".
The bear. The French for "the bear" is "l’ours".
A beautiful dog. The French for "a beautiful dog" is "un beau chien".
This is a small chicken. The French for "this is a small chicken" is "c’est un petit poulet".
He sees the dog playing with a ball. The French for "he sees the dog playing with a ball" is "il voit le chien jouer avec une balle".
The fish. The French for "the fish" is "les poissons".
This is a Maltese dog. The French for "this is a Maltese dog" is "c’est un bichon maltais".
A white horse. The French for "a white horse" is "un cheval blanc".
A white owl. The French for "a white owl" is "un hibou blanc".
A black cat. The French for "a black cat" is "un chat noir".
Bat. The French for "bat" is "chauve-souris".
Maltese dog. The French for "Maltese dog" is "bichon maltais".
A penguin (informal). The French for "a penguin (informal)" is "un pingouin".