Understand spoken French

"All about Diane (part 1)" in French

Tout sur Diane (partie 1)


Literal Breakdown


The French translation for “All about Diane (part 1)” is Tout sur Diane (partie 1). The French, Tout sur Diane (partie 1), can be broken down into 5 parts:"My name is Diane, I’m rather small and I’m fourteen years old." (Je m’appelle Diane, je suis assez petite et j’ai quatorze ans.), "My birthday is on the twenty-second of October." (Mon anniversaire est le vingt-deux octobre.), "I live in a small village by the sea, in the western part of Brittany." (J’habite un petit village au bord de la mer dans l’ouest de la Bretagne.), "I have long curly blond hair and green eyes." (J’ai les cheveux longs, blonds et bouclés et les yeux verts.) and "I’m funny, shy and sometimes lazy." (Je suis amusante, timide et quelquefois paresseuse.).

Examples of "All about Diane (part 1)" in use

There is 1 example of the French word for "All about Diane (part 1)" being used:

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