Understand spoken language

Adding words and phrases to lessons

Submitted by admin on 31 January 2016


Every word needs to be added to as many lessons as are relevant:

  • Recording Type: Words (everything automatically gets added to the "All" Recording Type)
  • Themed lessons, e.g. a chick needs to be added to the following lessons:


In general, phrases only get added to the Recording Type: Phrases lesson, and NOT to the other lessons such as the Themed lessons.

To understand why, you need to understand a little bit how Lingopolo works.

For each lesson of vocabulary, there is a related lesson of "Examples", generated automatically from the words in the basic lesson e.g.

The Examples lesson will contain:

The end result of this is a basic rule for phrases: do NOT put phrases into any of the lessons other than the Recording Type lesson.

For example, you would not add the phrase "the chick" to the Birds lesson, but only the word chick. The phrase "the chick" will automatically get added to the Birds Examples lesson since "chick" is in the Birds lesson, and "the chick" is of course an example of "chick" being used.