Understand spoken language

The audio Source, Author and Licence fields

Submitted by admin on 12 March 2018

Sometimes we are allowed to use content from other websites.

This content must only ever be used if the other website explicitly grants permission under a Creative Commons licence where we are explicitly allowed to copy and transform their content.

One other important aspect of these licences is that we must give attribution:


This means that we have to link from Lingopolo to the page where we got the audio.

In addition we have to make clear what the specific licence is of the original content (since different websites use slightly different licences).

This is done by filling in the Source and Licence fields for the Audio:

Audio Source and Licence fields

The Source field is usually easy to know, since it is the website page where you found the audio file.

The Licence field can be a bit trickier, but the page where you found the audio (or at worst, the website where you found the audio) should somewhere explicitly link to the licence page, for example http://www.laits.utexas.edu/fi/html/voc/01.html has:


The following example shows how all this information then looks on Lingopolo on the phrase "a map of the world" in French

Source and Licence fields

Sometimes the Author field is also available on the source website, e.g. http://shtooka.net/view_sound.php?id=115378 has:

Author on Shtooka

If that is the case, this should be filled into the Author field. e.g. from "red" in Dutch:

Author field